Developer Fees

Notice Of Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given that the Board Of Trustees of the Ripon Unified School District will hold a hearing and consider input from the public on the proposed adoption of Level 1 and Level 2 Developer Fees. Please find the full Public Notices and Developer Fee reports below: 


Level 1 Public Notice

Level 2 Public Notice

Level 1 Developer Fee Report

Level 2 Developer Fee Report


In 1986, the California Legislature authorized school districts to levy school impact or developer fees on residential and commercial/industrial development for the purpose of funding the construction or reconstruction of school facilities.  The basis of the school facilities legislation is the relationship between new development, and the impact on school districts to provide adequate school facilities for the student population new development generates.  The authority for the District's assessment of developer fees is set forth in Education Code Section 17620, pursuant to Government Code 65995. 

When you apply for a building permit within San Joaquin county, you will receive the School District Fee Form in the Building Inspection Division packet.  The Building Inspection department determines the square footage for the conditioned space.  Garage and porch space are not subject to developer fees.  RUSD does not charge developer fees on square footage 500 square feet or less. 

Fees are calculated based on the following rates:


Residential Developer Fees

Level 1

Additions >500 sq. ft.
Natural Disasters

$4.08 per square foot
Board Resolution #19-16 effective August 21, 2020

Chargeable - reportable, assessable, livable space.

Does NOT include: garage, covered patio, covered

walkway, or screened/enclosed porch. 


Level 2

All NEW Construction - Dwellings
Voluntary Demo - Replacements

(UNLESS, proof is provided of developer fees paid & demo)

$4.45 per square foot
Board Resolution #19-17 effective August 21, 2020



Commercial Developer Fees

Level 1


- Office

- Retail

- Industrial

- Warehouse

- Self-Storage

- Manufacturing

$0.66 per square foot

Board Resolution #19-16 effective August 21, 2020


*AG (Storage - Raw Product) Exempt*



Bring the School District Fee form and payment to the District Office, 304 N. Acacia Ave, Ripon, CA 95366

Contact Raquel Babauta for more information at (209) 599-2131